Candidature au Prix

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Peuvent se porter candidats tous les acteurs dans le domaine de la préservation de l’environnement et du développement durable (individus, groupes, institutions, organisations, entreprises, associations, ou autres, qu’elles soient gouvernementales, privées ou non gouvernementales) issus des pays du monde islamique, selon les conditions suivantes

  • Remplir le Formulaire de candidature, sur la catégorie concerné, disponible sur la plateforme électronique.

  • Déposer le cv des candidatures.

  • Une déclaration écrite doit être présentée indiquant que le travail n’a jamais remporté d’autres prix.

  • En cas de travail collectif, la demande de candidature doit inclure un
    consentement écrit de tous les participants en indiquant le nom du
    bénéficiaire du chèque du Prix.

  • Soumettre un rapport complet décrivant le projet soumis, ses aspects innovants, ses résultats scientifiques et son impact sur l’environnement et le développement durable au niveau local ou mondial, et les possibilités de sa mise en œuvre dans les Etats membres.

  • Les projets peuvent être fournis en Arabe, Français ou Anglais.

Nominations shall be received during the period from 1st August 2021 the end of December 2021, as per the following conditions

  • The research submitted should be published and refereed and must have been published no more than five years prior to the announcement of the Award.
  • Only one submission is allowed per applicant.
  • Members of the jury may not nominate themselves or their relatives during the exercise of their mandate.
  • Recipients may not present their submission to the Award’s following session. However, they may present different submissions in subsequent years.
  • To be eligible for the Award, nominees must possess legal capacity before the announcement of the results.
  • The theme of the submitted project must not be against Islamic values and principles.

Selection of the winners

  • Winners shall be selected pursuant to the jury’s recommendations.
  • The Award may be granted to more than one individual or institution.
  • In the case of the death of an individual winner, the Award may be presented to his/her legal heirs.

Nominations specifications

  • Nominations should be completed using the electronic platform arranged for this purpose.
  • Nominators should ensure accuracy and objectivity of the information provided on their working methods and achievements in the nomination form and avoid overstating the achievements.
  • It is recommended to take great care in completing the nomination forms of the award categories.
  • The information contained in the nomination forms and their supporting documents will be processed in strict confidentiality.
  • The General Secretariat of the Award has all rights to investigate the legitimacy of all the information related to the project and the candidate.

For further information please contact the Submission Reception Division at the Award’s General Secretariat at the following email addresses: